A critical part of our synagogue community, the Sisterhood enhances the embrace of community that is one of our congregation’s greatest assets.
Every female member of BJC (and non-members who wish to attend our programs and support our efforts!) is invited to become a member of the Sisterhood.
Annual dues of just $36 entitles a member to participation in a special paid-up-members event, plus reduced cost for all other Sisterhood-sponsored activities.
Throughout the year we offer a range of programs designed to appeal to and accommodate women at various stages in their lives and with diverse interests. This year has included our great big challah bake, paper cut art, a night of music, and a crostini bar and cheese board demo.


In addition, the Sisterhood runs three major projects:
- Mishloach Manot, a fundraising initiative through which members send Purim wishes (and a creatively-themed package) to other shul members.
- Welcome Committee, reaching out to new members of the community with personal contact and a specially-prepared gift.
- Hospitality Committee, fostering more Shabbat and yom tov meal sharing among members and finding homes and meals for out of town guests so they can come and experience the BJC community while they are looking for their new home.
We’re always looking for new committee members, so anyone interested serving on any of the committees for these projects, or on the Sisterhood phone or program committee, should contact Reva or the shul office.
They are all opportunities for our women to become better acquainted, socialize, learn, contribute to the success of BJC -- and have tremendous fun!
Co-Presidents - Margot Weisz and Reva Barbalatt
Program Chair- Chanie Kirschner
Welcome/Hospitality Chair- Gail Fine
Communications Committee Chair- Nancy Eisenberg